On April 1999 The Dizzy Zone made its first appearance on the web, originally hosted on Emucamp. It was a mash of black and blue with rainbow coloured links.
In mid May 2000 the site was rehosted by Lineone.net. It wasn't until the start of 2001 that the site was given its own url at dizzyzone.org. By then the site had expanded to host a few web-based games including puzzle games, card games, and a slider game with images from the NES version of Fantastic Dizzy slider puzzle, and I had a radio station called The Music Zone which was originally to give out Dizzy related news and play Dizzy tunes. The Dizzy Community was also founded around the same time.
Mid March 2002 the website saw its first redesign. Still sporting the black/blue background and rainbow coloured links, the page had been squished to a 768 pixel wide table with navigation bars on both sides of the main window. On todays' wider screens it would look pretty hideous with wide empty black spaces, but back then on smaller screens it looked pretty decent and tidy. Much more content was being added as the site was becoming not only a Dizzy fan site but an Oliver Twins fan site with pages about each game they developed at Codemasters and at their new company Blitz Games. I gave up on hosting the radio station as it was receiving very few listeners and there wasn't many Dizzy tunes to play at the time, so it got old real fast.
At the beginning of September 2002 the site was given a massive makeover to accommodate a new banner designed by Tommy Pereira. Most pages had now been regrouped into sub-headings since there was so many games and versions around. The colour scheme was changed to plain white with blue navigation backgrounds and black links, and all the pictures and animations had been removed. It lost all its fun aspects and looked pretty dull and painful to look at, staring at a page for too long would've probably given you snow blindness. The links for official Dizzy game files were removed by request from Codemasters and the Oliver Twins. A year later and the white page background was replaced with a black background and a couple of the frames were recoloured red, but it still looked pretty boring to look at.
Around mid 2005 the site came to a closure as people began to give up on maintaining Dizzy fansites and were using Yolkfolk.com as their main source for Dizzy-related information. Yolkfolk.com and The Dizzy Zone were the two only active fansites at this point. A heatwave caused all the servers at home to crash, including the backups, and all data was lost. I attempted at making a new shell as a sub-site on my homepage url, which was a smaller version of the one currently in operation as an experiment. The shell was left in a dormant state until 4 years ago when I lost interest in maintaining it and deleted it. It wasn't until March 2014 when a fan of the site reminded me what it was all about that I decided to bring back The Dizzy Zone.